I have had a lot of talk about why I would have such nasty disease carrying birds in my backyard. So I guess you can say I got fed up with all the misinformation about chickens. And I do acknowledge that their are those who are completely terrified of chickens and view them as prehistoric dino birds ready to attack at a moments notice, out of respect to those I do keep my chickens put up when they are over.
A little chicken history: chickens have been around for ions, we have used chickens as a source of meat and egg production, many say our chickens now come from the jungle fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) and over time have been domesticated and bred to fit our needs. There are many many breeds of chickens, some are classified as Heritage Breeds, Bantams, Meaties, Dual Purpose, and many more classifications. There are some chickens strictly for show while others are raised for their meat.
So what is a chicken any way? A chicken is a domesticated bird that serves a purpose in providing meat and eggs. Chickens are birds that come in all shapes and sizes, some are more rare to find than others, some are more docile while others are more flighty and mean. Some chickens are more of a pet than anything else, these are usually bantams that tend to want to go broody and they carry beautiful array of colors, they really serve no purpose in that they only are there for show.
So why do I have chickens? I have them for the soul purpose to be self sufficient, to be able to enjoy fresh eggs every day, I know what my girls are eating and I know that my eggs are good and full of nutrients.
But they carry diseases! Yes and no, you can give your chickens supplements to keep them healthy, all natural vitamins and minerals to ward of diseases, infections and internal worms and parasites, it is inexpensive and easy to give them. Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, different Herbs, and food grade DE
Educate yourself to better care for your hens, your hens eat everything so it is easy to give them supplements to keep them healthy inside and out.
But they are nasty, dirty and stink! Well, no they are not, if properly housed and cared for they are not nasty and dirty and certainly don't stink, I let my flock out daily so they can run and exercise in the main yard, that is when I grab my rake and clean the run up, it is like all pets, you must keep up with them in order to keep the smell down and not over crowding them! Yes chickens poop a lot! so you have to clean a lot! that all goes hand in hand and part of good husbandry ;)
Are eggs safe to eat? Why yes they are!
Hen eggs have these healthy benefits:
• 1⁄3 less cholesterol• 1⁄4 less saturated fat• 2⁄3 more vitamin A• 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids• 3 times more vitamin E• 7 times more beta carotene. Eggs come in array of colors from shades of brown to pinks, greens and blues and of course white. The color has no bearing on nutritional value, it is fun to have multicolored eggs in our baskets. Also when eggs are freshly laid the hen produces this clear liquid that surrounds the egg called a Bloom, this bloom keeps out harmful bacteria and germs, so your egg last longer either on the counter or in your fridge. True fact store bought eggs are months old when you buy them, months old remember that and when they are gathered in the factory the eggs are placed in a bleach bath solution.
I am going to sum this section up and continue it later with more facts and figures. Yes I have chickens, they are wonderful addition to our family, it is a husbandry, you must provide and care for them, always remember happy hens lay beautiful eggs :)
Next I will discuss the lay out of our hen house and the right space per bird, it is important to remember that when someone says they have chickens doesn't mean to conjure up horrible images of dino like creatures running around ready to attack
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